CMC Rescue
Whether CMC Rescue’s full-time engineering department is responsible for product design, quality assurance,
design documentation, testing, and coordinating the certification of products to industry standards. Combining engineering
principles with experience gained in the field has made CMC Rescue a leader in the design and manufacture of rescue equipment.
We also contribute engineering staff time to NFPA, ASTM, SPRAT, and the Cordage Institute and other organizations working to
develop national standards. Today, all CMC Rescue, CMC ProSeries, CMC ProTech, and CMC/Roco Industrial Rescue Brand
Harnesses, Straps, Packs, and Bags are manufactured at our Santa Barbara, California facility. We’ve learned that it takes much
more than a sewing machine and some material to produce life support products. It requires highly trained production personnel,
and a quality-based inspection program backed by a sound design and engineering..
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